Toggle 'Dark Mode' to the right to turn it on. To enable Dark Mode on Android with Snapchat+: Tap the 'Snapchat+' banner in your Profile. Google’s G Suite blog touts a “better viewing experience in low-light conditions.”.Early access to Dark Mode for Android is available with Snapchat+. This marks a significant shift for Chat, which only offered a bright background with green accents since its 2017 launch. vicorias secret As of July 29th, Google began a 15-day rollout of dark mode for its Google Chat app on iOS and Android. Tap the three-dot menu button on the top right. Please Note: If you don't see the Dark Mode option appear after subscription to Snapchat+, try relaunching your Snapchat app.Like Google Play Books, Google Play Games includes a dark mode, and it’s also easy to enable: Open Google Play Games. Early access to Dark Mode for Android is available with Snapchat+. Dark Mode makes the background of the chat window black instead of the default white. Google chat dark mode In this video, I will show you how to enable Dark Mode in Google Chat.